Thursday, 5 February 2009

My Dirty Car

I got my car in late October. I bought it from my older sister, and although she was going to clean it before she sold it to me she didn't end up cleaning it because things were hectic for her around that time.
Fast forward 3 months later, and I still hadn't cleaned it. Need I mention that it was filthy?
I kept meaning to clean it, but kept putting it off because I didnt' want to clean it by myself.
However, on Tuesday morning, my Mum called me out to my car and told me to bring a microfibre cloth so that I could clean the bonnet of my car. She told me that if I didn't clean it, my paint would deteriorate, and it would cost heaps of money to repaint my car.
So, like the good girl I am, I cleaned the bonnet (after Mum had lovingly chucked a bucket of water on the bonnet for me), and then I decided that I couldn't have my bonnet looking clean and the rest of my car filthy, and I proceeded to clean the rest of my car. Only, while I went around and cleaned the doors, boot, spoiler, etc. I had conveniently forgotten that the roof needed cleaning too! Well, much as I wanted my car to look perfect, I wasn't about to clean my roof and then have the grubby water spill all over the rest of my clean car!
So, the roof on my car is still grubby, and so are the windows, but I plan on getting my tall little brother to clean my roof (somehow without water :P), and I'll clean the windows soon :)

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Some advise for next time. Start with the roof and work down. If you chuck some water over it to start and then wash it with the cloth and then chuck clean water over it again to rinse it.
I NEED to clean our car aswell but its a bit bigger than yours and I won't be able to reach all of the roof so I might have to get Michael to do it or take it to a car cleaning place.
BTW your mum was right and with a nice car like yours you will want to keep up with cleaning it so that the paint doesn't get wrecked.