Caleb Stephen was born last night at 6:30 pm, weighing 7lb. 9 oz (3.464 kg.) He was 51 cm long, and was born via c-section. I get to go see him this afternoon, and I'm so excited!!!!!!
I finally have a nephew that I can see all the time instead of every couple of years!
I'll update with a photo once I have one.
Long, long time
9 years ago
i know!! so cool!!! and very exciting :-)
definitely put a photo up!
is there any way you can get photos up and have them displayed all the time, on the side bar or something? if so, you should put a pic of the other nieces and nepehews as well as Caleb!!!
xx rach
It's great being an Aunty isn't it!? I know what it's like not seeing them often... my niece and nephew are in Brisbane - maybe not quite as far away as the US though!
Hope you have lots of fun getting to know you're new nephew!!
Jo :)
Julia Elisabeth Graham.
What is happening in your life?
Where is the photo of Caleb?
Isn't your blog so that I can read all about what you're up to?
Even I know one thing that you could put in here!!
Pleeeeeeeease update!!!
I keep checking it and no more news or ANYTHING.
How come?
It's rather depressing.
Since I pretty much never see you anymore.
Hope to catch up soon!!
Love Rach
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