Monday, 12 May 2008


Oops! I forgot to post about another piece of big news!

Drumroll please!!!!!!!

I'm the new keyboardist for our youth band! Basically that means that I have to learn a whole bunch of chords, and I have to know when to play them in the song. I'm scared/excited/freakin' out! Steph dobbed me in for it because she's heard me play piano. Thank goodness she didn't dob me in/make me do the piano! 'Coz I would've killed her :P

Anyway, I'm sorta excited because it's a new challenge, but I'm sorta freaking out because I've never done anything like this before. I mean, I'm going to be playing in front of a whole bunch of people, and they'll be singing, and I'll have to keep up!
I am excited though. And with God's help, I'm sure I can do it.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

welll i spose i should offer some encouragement :-)
you will be fine jewlz, you're good at everything you try to do!!!!
and i'm not joking, okay?
just believe in yourself, and most of all... have fun!
the best part is when you get past the nervousness and you just spend the whole time looking around and laughing and maknig jokes and in general making a fool of yourself :-P .... noooo not making a fool of yourself, just being silly the whole time!! it's great and i'm sure you'll love it :-D
God bless.

Anonymous said...

well, we can tell who your best friend, can't we, just by who comments the most! (can anyone say r-a-c-h-e-l?!)

i wish google reader would send me your updates because i keep forgetting to come over here.

have fun on the keyboard and maybe don't get to rachel's "looking around and laughing and making jokes" etc...isn't it supposed to be in church?! cello, you naughty girl!!!

The beginning of something... Henry Rouse said...

Hey Julia, great job on the blog. And you will be great on the keys! I've added you to my favourites, so I'll kep in touch.

Anonymous said...

You will do well!!! Very exciting news. I have also added you to my fave list, (cos you are one of my favourite people), so I look forward to reading your posts.
Love and prayers,

Crazy English lady says... said...

Hello Sweet Child, so wonderful to hear you are going to be playing the keyboard in the Worship Group, Good on Ya...

Can't wait to hear you play.

Much love, hugs and kisses, Auntie