Friday, 27 March 2009

Computer usage

I've recently been reading a book for book club called 'What Happens When Women Say Yes to God' by Lysa TerKeurst.
In reading it today, I've really been challenged to dramatically cut my computer usage.
In chapter 3, Lysa writes about how God told her to stop watching TV.
Here's her reasons as to why God told her to stop watching TV: "I wasn't a TV junkie, ... but as I prayed, I felt God telling me why the TV had to go. I enjoyed sitting down after a tiresome day and being entertained. God showed me that I was vulnerable and empty during those times. It wasn't that what I was watching was bad -- it just wasn't God's best. I was filling myself with the world's perspectives and influences, while He wanted to be my strength and fill me with Himself. I knew it would be hard to break this habit, but I was determined to ask God for the strength to do so. I prayed that my desire to please Him would be stronger than my desire for television."*

I've been feeling that through this book, God is asking me to dramatically cut my computer usage. I go on the computer several times a day. I go on before work, after work, late in the afternoon, before bed, and quite often at other times of the day as well.
I was talking to a friend the other day, and saying that I wanted to dig into the Word of God, and really grow through that.
I feel that always being on the computer is filling me up with things that God doesn't want me filled up with, and that I'm putting the computer before Him. I feel like I HAVE to go on the computer because 'something might have happened!'.
I don't want to HAVE to go on the computer every day because I feel like I can't function without it. So, for the next week I'm not going to go on the computer at all except to check my email address that I use for book reviewing, and (of course) to work and study.
I plan to use the leisure time that I would usually spend on the computer, for spending time digging into God's Word and doing my jobs at home.
In a week I'll evaluate how it's gone, and plan what to do from then on. Please keep me accountable to this, and I'll try and post about what I've learnt in the time that I spend with God.

*'What Happens When Women Say Yes to God' by Lysa TerKeurst. Chapter 3, pg. 44.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009


I hope everyone else can see the changes that I've made :)
Because if they can't, there's not much point in changing my blog.
What you should be able to see is that it's green and black now. What do you think? Please leave me a comment and tell me :D

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Kids' Bible Study

I said a couple weeks ago in this post that I was going to be teaching the kids' Bible Study at our home group. A friend of mine, Josh Clancy ended up going to be helping me, and the Thursday before last was our first week of teaching together. It went really well, and we worked well together.
Last Thursday though, Steph (his sister) rang me to let me know that Josh couldn't get onto me, and had asked them to let me know that he wouldn't be doing it anymore because he was feeling too stressed because he was involved in too much and needed to cut back on some things.
I was disappointed that he couldn't do it, but I understood why he had to.
So now I'm doing it by myself, and last week was my first week of doing it by myself. I was expecting there to be about 13 kids, so I was praying heaps beforehand and trying not to freak out. However, God was good, and there only ended up being six kids there. We went through the study too quickly, and ended up having ages to play games, but it went really well otherwise!

God is SO good!

My Icecream Flavour

Your Icecream Flavour is...Neopolitan!
You aren't satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don't eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz