Thursday, 4 November 2010

My Current Facebook Status...

Julia Graham has coffee & chocolate... 'Taste & see that the Lord is good' :P

In case you couldn't guess, I love coffee & chocolate :D and I think that they were made for each other!

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Challenge: Day 2

Okay, so it's actually Day 3 of my challenge, but I didn't have time to post a photo yesterday after I finally took a photo. So, you'll get two posts from me today :-o

This isn't actually what I wore all day yesterday, but I didn't want to change and make my little sister take another photo. I was actually wearing a thick, long-sleeved yellow shirt (more like a jumper) for most of the day, but I changed just before Recharge (young adults Bible study) because it's notoriously too warm there. However, this was the one time that I came prepared and yet, I had to leave my jacket on because it was a normal temperature :P (typical, typical... the one time I'm prepared...)

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Yeah, it's been awhile since I've posted... :-|

Anyway, I've decided to do something a bit different (for me) and blog about the different outfits I wear. Only, this will only be on the days that I wear a skirt or dress, and the skirt or dress will be a different one each time until I finish going through all my skirts and dresses. Sound good? Tough luck if it doesn't, coz I'm going to do it anyway :P

Let's go...

This is the outfit that I started out the day in......

And due to a

This is what I've looked like instead for pretty much the whole day (minus the crazy eyes :P)

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Housesitting Again!

Like the title says, I've been house-sitting again :D
This time I've been house-sitting for my sister while she's been away, and I've really really enjoyed it.
She has a beautiful house, and is so well-organized that it was really easy to look after the house.
I house-sat with Elyse, and we drank copious amounts of coffee. We had 1-2 cups a day :P

I loved having space to myself and getting to decide what we were eating for tea, and how much time I could spend on the computer.
I actually enjoyed having to be responsible and make myself do things. It was really a nice feeling of accomplishment to do the right thing and know that no one else had 'made' me :)

I hope I'm able to do it again (hint hint, Kristy :P)

Friday, 12 March 2010


Is it really only the 12th of March?

It seems so much further along in the year...

Maybe it's because this year has already been jam-packed in 2 1/2 short months.

So far this year I have: (please note that this list is limited by my memory :P)

  • Started a courtship with an amazing guy
  • Been to two weddings
  • Waitressed at one
  • Been to a Music Team BBQ
  • Started leading at youth group
  • Started back leading Kids' Bible Study with Josh
  • Started back at Recharge
  • Started back at Music Practice (and singing on Sundays)
  • Started back at piano lessons
  • Started another year of TAFE
  • And found out that I only have to go into TAFE one day a week (Woohoo!!)
  • Organized to catch up with my mentor every two weeks (and stuck to it so far)
  • Had my first Valentine's Day with my boyfriend :)
  • Helped the Burfords move
  • Led on youth camp
  • Been blessed to see my little brother grow in God
  • Pushed myself too hard, gotten overwhelmed, and broken down in tears twice (in one week)
  • Been blessed by my friends, family etc giving me love and leniency when I'm tired and overwhelmed
  • Helped Faye and Alex move
  • Been amazingly blessed by the thoughtfulness of my boyfriend on so many occasions
  • Struggled to find time to balance everything
  • Struggled to balance my computer time so that I can balance everything else
  • Struggled to find time to catch up with friends
  • Been hugely blessed when I have found the time to catch up with friends
  • Been blessed by the freedom and trust given to me by my parents
  • Realized that I can't do everything on my own; I need God to help me
  • Realized that it's okay to say 'no' (still working on this one though)
I've had my ups, and I've had my downs. And yet, I know that through it all God has been there. I know that there are people so much worse off than me. I know that I am so blessed, and that I will always have my needs provided by my Heavenly Father. He loves me, and wants me to run to Him for my strength. He wants to fill me up and use me for His glory. I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13), but that I need to turn to Him instead of relying on myself or others.

I'm still learning (thank goodness! I'd be worried if I was perfect :P), but I know I am stronger with God by my side :)

Monday, 8 February 2010

I'm slack...

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted.

So much has happened since then!

1. I've got a boyfriend
2. I've started back at work
3. I've started back at most church ministries
4. Youth group starts on Friday, and I'm going to be a leader

I'm busy, but happy :)

Josh (my boyfriend) and I are going well.

I'm still loving to sing on Sundays. I love using my ability to sing to glorify God.

Josh and I are teaching Kids' Bible Study together on Thursday nights. I started doing it at the start of last year, and he started sometime in the second half of last year.

I wanted to be a leader at youth group last year, but I was too young. However, I'm old enough this year, and I'm really excited about it!
The youth leaders that I had when I was in youth group really impacted me for Christ, and I'm praying that God will use me like He used them.

Please pray that God will bless me as I seek to serve Him, and that He will be glorified in all things. also, that He would give me wisdom as I go through lots of changes in my life.