Monday, 4 February 2008


Well, you've all made some very valid points about my last post. Yes, if I do homeschool, I'll need to know this stuff in order to help my kids with it. And if I don't homeschool (highly unlikely), it will come in useful when I have to help them with homework. I guess the best thing at the moment is to complete the things God puts in front of me (like school) and continue to seek his will in all things. I really want to be a Proverbs 31 girl/woman, but sometimes I really struggle to work because all I want to be doing is reading a book, or blogs, or just doing STUFF on the computer. Please pray that I'll be doing what God wants me to do.

Also, recently (since November 19 anyway) I've been thinking that I need to "grow up." I realized that I can be quite immature in the way I handle things at home, and even not at home. My goal was, week-by-week, to do what Mum asked me to do without complaining. That was hard! Still is. I have to admit that in the past month and a bit, I haven't thought much about it. I haven't even really been thinking about honouring my parents. I realized this morning that that needs to change. The Bible says in Exodus 20:12 "Honour your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is/has giving you" (I added the /has).
My goal for this week is to honour my parents the way God would have me. This is going to be quite a struggle for me because it is SO hard for me to put aside what I want in order to do what ANYONE let alone what God wants. I hate to admit it, but I am very ME-oriented. If I don't want to do something I try to get out of it as hard as I can. Now that I've written that, I'm really ashamed of myself. One of my goals this year is to ask myself "What Would Jesus Do?" Boy, is that going to be hard. Please pray for me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww you're so sweet!!
that's cool that you're looking at Scripture and doing your best to apply it to your life!
nice job Jewlz.
luv Rach xx