Friday, 1 February 2008

Sewing/School/Proverbs 31

I want to ask all of you a question. Here goes: What is more likely to create a Proverbs 31 woman in me (other than God). Is it (a) Learning to Sew so that one day I'm able to provide for my family as a wife (even though it's unlikely that I'll sew for my future family), or is it (b) School which I can't see as having any importance in my quest to be a 31 woman. I think I'll choose..... hmmmm..... (A)!!!!!! (My life might be slightly boring and fraught with frustration though). I don't HATE school, I just wish I could be done with it. And I don't see what use it is!
Okay, that's not true. I know that it will greatly assist me in getting a job which will support me (so my parents don't have to) until I get married or if I never get married. But seriously, how is learning about the History of Civilization going to get me a job? Or how is Chemistry going to help me if I get an office job ('coz I can't see myself as a scientist or anything even remotely related)?
Just a few questions. Please help me!!!


Tricia Goyer said...

Because some day you'll have to help your kids with their homework! :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree with tricia. Especially if you follow your mum and home school your kids. Also if you ever get asked questions about certain subjects its nice to be able to know a bit about the subject. Also it helps when you go to quiz nights. Plus don't you only have a few months of school left? Push through your almost there and your only 16. I didn't finish till I was 18.

Anonymous said...

I second Mel!
I know that i often wish I knew more in certain areas; sometimes I feel so silly when I don't know things!
And seriously, finishing Year 12 when you're 16 years old is a LOT more than most people accomplish!! Having the freedom to be able to finish school so early (and then head off to TAFE by the time you're 17) is quite amazing when you think about it!
And remember, these years are the best years of your life, so don't rush out of them!
God bless.

Anonymous said...

yeah, stop you're whining! ;) you need to be well-grounded in knowledge; you may need to help your kids and you may be surprised what you might use one day. do it "as unto the Lord"!!!!