Friday, 14 November 2008

Oh man!

Whoa! I can't believe it, but I almost forgot to blog about something really cool that happened to me yesterday!

I got my P's! I passed my driving test!!!!

Apparently I didn't break any laws (which means I didn't creep over the speed limit. YAY!!!), and even though my parallel parking was a little shoddy, I still passed :)
We got back after the test and John (the guy who gave me my test) turned to me and said "You passed", and I replied "Are you serious?!"
I was so stoked! I'd been praying so hard.

Funny story: Mum and I went to exchange my certificate of passing (passification??? lol) for a sheet of paper that I get to keep til my driver's license comes in the post, and after I had my photo taken for my driver's license photo the guy who was taking my photo turned to me and said "Have a great day next Tuesday". I said thanks and walked out with Mum. As we got out of the Department of Motor Vehicle Registration (mental blank. Is that the right title?) I turned to Mum and I said, "What's next Tuesday?". She looked at me like I was absolutely crazy and said "Um, your birthday?!". We lost it. It was so funny!
In my defense of my absolutely over-the-top blonde comment, it WAS a random stranger saying it. You don't really expect a random stranger to be wishing you a great day on your birthday.
Even though it made me look really blonde, it made me laugh.

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