Sunday, 2 November 2008

Haircut, Friends, and Marriage

I need to get my hair cut. I'm starting to lose the bounce and definition that my layers had put into my hair. I think Mum's going to make an appointment for my haircut this week. I've really loved having my hair this short, and also having layers. The layers mean that I can just leave it down and go, and it still looks good. The shortness means that it's much quicker to wash and brush. Always a good thing in my books.

In other news, I went over Rosie's today because we haven't really talked in ages. We've seen each other now and then, but we haven't really had the chance to sit down and talk properly. We talked for about an hour and a half, but we covered so many topics: narriage, dating, courtship, kids, friends, school (for her), TAFE (for me), etc.
It's great having friends that I can sit down with and talk like there's no tomorrow. It's also great having friends to whom I'm accountable. Friends that remember what I've said about a certain subject and remind me about it. I want to be a friend like that.

And in still other news, I want to get married.

No, that's not as random as it seems :)
See, I've been reading a book called 'Get Married'. It talks about how it's God's plan for people to marry, and how we should be 'live like we're planning to marry'.
Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out how that works.... when I figure it out, I'll tell you :)


Anonymous said...

well, tell felicity that you want to chat on that book with her when she's read it or that you should do it for your next book club book!!! :)

Anonymous said...

well not random, but just unexpected! (about the marriage)
i want to get married to :)
God has someone out there for both you and me--we just gota wait!